2001, August 2-3,
Fortaleza: [1] WIE/SBC '01.
Organizers: Brazilian Computer Society. Presentation: "Kidlink". [2]
Semish/SBC '01. Presentation: "Bridging the Child Divide."
July 21, Rio de Janeiro: WIE/SBC '99.
Organizers: Brazilian Computer Society. Presentation: "The Who-Am-I? program:
Internet, Kids, and Multicultural Interactions in Kidlink."
1996, August 14, Rio de
Janeiro: The V Encontro da Educacao com a Informatica. Keynote speech
about Kidlink.
1995, November 22-24, Florianopolis:
VI Brazilian Symposium on Computing in Education. Organizers: Brazilian Computer
Society and Federal University of Santa Catarina. Keynote speech:
1995, November 20, Recife: Seminar.
Organizer: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Speech: "Kidlink."
1995, November 17,
Salvador: Seminario com os professores da rede municipal. Organizer:
Secretaria de Educacao de Salvador. Speech about Kidlink.
1993, October
4-8, Sao Paulo: Education for Peace (International conference). Presentation:
1996, July 8-15, Barranquilla: 3er Congreso
Iberoamericano de Informática Educativa. Keynote speech: "Kidlink
- red global de jóvenes de 10 - 15 años."
1997, Oct 20-21, Copenhagen: Kidlink
seminar. Speeches: [1] "What is Kidlink?" - [2] "Finding things
on the net, and using The Online World resources handbook in the
classroom." Organizer: The Danish Ministry of Education.
1972. Helsinki: NordDATA-72. Speech:
"En utprøvet metode for planlegging av EDB-sjefens tid."
1997, March 8,
Akureyri: Organizer: The University of Akureyri. Speech: "Trends:
Finding information on the Internet."
1995, December
8, Reykjavik: The ET day. Organizer: Skyrslutaeknifelag Islands. Speech:
"The Personal Computer - A toy or a tool?"
1995, December 11, Reykjavik: Organizer:
The Nordic House. Talk: "De undertrykte og informationssamfundet."
1995, December 12, Reykjavik: Organizer:
The Reykjavik School Board. Speech: "Kidlink for teachers."
1993, May 5-7,
Bologna: Conference: Rassegna informatica delle scuole dell'obbligo della
provincia di Bologna. Organizer: the School Department of the Municipality
of Bologna. Presentation: "Kidlink - Global Networking for kids 10-15."
1998, July 1,
Tokyo: The 100-School Networking Project (Phase II): International
Symposium '98 "Schools and the Internet." Organizer: Center for Educational
Computing (CEC) in cooperation with Information-technology Promotion Agency
(IPA). Speech: "Kidlink."
1996, Dec 4 -
6, Fukuoka: ERI'96: Educational Revolution with Internet '96. Organizer:
Kyushu Institute of Design. Speech: "Kidlink."
1996, Dec 8, Osaka: MediaCollection96
"Education with the Internet'96." Organizer: AGENE/Senri International
Information Institute. Speech "Kidlink."
1996, Dec 10, Nagoya: The Third Annual
Conference of Tokai Schoolnet Society. Organizer: Tokai Schoolnet Society.
Speech "Kidlink."
1995, Oct 31
- Nov 3, Tokyo: GII Junior Summit '95. Organizer: GII Junior Summit.
Speech: "Internet Trends."
1991, Oct 18-20,
Otaru (Hokkaido): 1991 Networking Forum. Keynote speech: "Kidlink."
1989, April 26-28,
Sendai/Tokyo: Networking Forum '89. Organizer: Institute for Networking
Design. Speech: "Looking at the Global Network from the North."
1989, June 16,
Kaunas: Software Unification (Standardisation) Conference. Organizers:
The USSR State Committee for Computer Systems and Informatics (GKVTI) and
West International. Speech: "Software Marketing."
1997, June 24, Kuala Lumpur: INET '97
K-12 Workshop. Organizer: The Internet Society (ISOC).
Plenary Panel: "Visions for Fundamental Change
in Teaching and Learning."
Presentation: "Kidlink."
1998, October 7, Panamá City:
FISC'98 . Organizer: Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas
Computacionales, Campus Universitario Octavio Méndes Pereira:
IX Ciclo de Conferencias. Keynote presentation:
"Generación de Ventajas Competitivas a través de la
Tecnología de la Información y las Telecomunicaciones"
II Taller Internacional de KIDLINK. Keynote
presentation: "Kidlink - Red Global para Jóvenes: la gran
1998, August
26-27, Lima: Conferencia International sobre Telecommunicaciones en
Educación: Encuentro Mundial de Líderes del Proyecto KIDLINK",
organized by The Ministry of Education in Peru. Presentations:
Kidlink: An integral approach to the use
of Internet in curriculum development.
The Who-Am-I? program:A structured Approach to
integrate Kidlink in European School Systems.
1996, July 23,
Lima: Seminar about "Supervías de la Información en
Educación Escolar: Internet en el Colegio" organized by ABC Corp.
Internet Trends.
El mundo en Línea, Herramientas para
los viajeros de Internet.
1996, July 24 in Lima: "Seminario
Internacional: Generacion de Ventajas competitivas a traves de Internet"
organized by IBM Peru. Presentations:
Internet Trends.
Doing Business on the Internet.
Puerto Rico
1999, October
15, San Juan: V Conferencia International de Kidlink.: "Kidlink -
Red Global para Jóvenes."
1999, August
16, Cluj: Romanian Internet Learning Workshop. Presentation: "The
Kidlink Network: An Overview."
1999, August 19, Dej: Romanian Internet Learning
Presentation: "Kidlink's"Who Am I?" program."
1996, May 21-23,
Portoroz/Piran: Dok_Sis '96 International symposium. Presentations:
The Online World resources handbook as a
tool for net cruisers.
KIDLINK as a tool for Slovenian schools.
1996, October
30, Stockholm: "Mot bättre vetande." Organizer: Skolverket in Sweden.
Speeches: "Kidlink."
1995, January
31, Lund: IT Messan i Lund. Organizer: Lunds studentkaar. Speech: "Kidlink."
1995, September 5, Stockholm: "Elektronik, kultur och demokrati."
Organizers: Svensk-norska samarbetsfonden/Utbildningsradion. Speech:
"Kidlink - ett datanett for barn".
The Netherlands
1989, November 8, den Haag: Nokus 1989.
Organizer: Norsk Data A.S. Speech: "Tapping the external information
1995, December
2, Montevideo: Kidlink y la Red Educativa Uruguaya: Recursos Educativos
en Internet. Organizer: Red Educativa Uruguaya. Keynote speech: "Kidlink,
un proyecto global."
2001, June 26, Chicago:
NECC 2001. Presentation: "Bridging
the Child Divide."
1990, May 23-26, San Francisco: Electronic
Networking Association Fifth International Conference. Organizer: ENA.
"Tapping the External Information
Workshop panel: "Global Dialogue."