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Some published papersThe XXI Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Fortaleza, Brazil, July 30 - August 3, 2001. ISBN 85-88442-04-03. "Bridging the Child Divide." pp. 7-10. Romanian Internet Learning Workshop, Cluj, Romania, August 16-22, 1999. ISBN 973-99287-4-9. "The Kidlink Network: An overview." pp.66-69. Romanian Internet Learning Workshop, KIDA, Ilieni, County Covasna, Romania, June 9-14, 1997. "KIDLINK." pp. 56-61. International Symposium on Education Revolution with Internet, Dec 4-6, 1996, Fukuoka, Japan. Proceedings. "Kidlink - Global Networking for Youth 10 - 15 Years of Age." pages 115-120. Dok_Sis '96, Portoroz, Slovenija, May 22 - 24, 1996. ISBN 961-90356-0-7. [1] "The Online World resources handbook as a tool for net cruisers," pages III-1 to 3. [2] "KIDLINK as a tool for Slovenian schools," pp. V-20 to 21. Supervías de la Información en Educación Escolar: Internet en el Colegio, Lima, Peru, July 23, 1996. Seminar organized by ABC Corp. The Online World Resources handbook. Some chapters from the hypertext version 2.7.1. of the handbook was printed as part of the proceedings. 3er Congreso Iberoamericano de Informática Educativa, Barranquilla - Colombia. Julio 8 al 11 de 1996. Memorias, "Kidlink - red global de jóvenes de 10 - 15 años," pp. 49-55. (Keynote presentation) Norsk Data A.S. NOCUS Proceedings from the International Meeting in Den Haag, Netherlands, 8-10 November 1989. "Tapping the external information Resource," p. 163- 168. |